1.如何评价Linkin Park的新专辑The Hunting Party


3.linkin park 最近出的专辑叫什么?





On July 8, Linkin Park officially announced that their new album, A Thousand Suns, is scheduled to be released on September 14. The album's first single, "The Catalyst," was released on August 2, 2010.[67][68][69]

就是在2010年7月8号官方宣布,林肯公园新专辑 〔a thousand suns]会在9月14号发行。专辑里的主打单曲会在8月2号发行,名字〔the catalyst]。



如何评价Linkin Park的新专辑The Hunting Party

绝对是这个,是网络上流传的还有盗版的所谓LINKIN PARK新专辑中的歌,

乐队:Tribal Ink

歌曲: Refugee

In fear of drowning

As my heart keeps pounding

Striking ones step

To hold on to what's left

Hold on, to the strings of reality

Bouncing on my heel of prosperity

Lee from my cell with a gleam in my eye

Watching it all wash by, watching it die

Its so hard to see it all fall through

But it's too late nothing left to do

Refugee, I'm an enemy of your belief

Don't hate me, because i disagree

Release me from a world unkind

A world where the blind is leading the blind

It's so unfair that i can't feel free

That i he to be what you want me to be

Shadows of the past keep stag my back

Reminding me of when i slipped out of track

Their wasting their time another morning dawning

And time when the restless keeps on joining

Refugee, I'm an enemy of your belief

Don't hate me, because i disagree

Refugee, I'm an enemy of your belief

Don't hate me, because i disagree


Refugee, I'm an enemy of your belief

Don't hate me, because i disagree

Refugee, I'm an enemy of your belief

Don't hate me, because i disagree


The Swedish TV channel TV 3 had a contest where they were looking for rock musicians to build a rockband on last year,it was called "Wannabe" and the TV viewers could follow them from week to week how a band slowly took form.

The five guys who won got the chance to do some gigs and record a single called "To my face" which didn't sell very well but the people responsible behind this circus wanted the band to record a full length CD anyway.


The Hunting Party(聚会)是美国著名新金属乐队Linkin Park(林肯公园)于2014年6月13日于北美地区发布的第六张全新录音室专辑。专辑制作时间为2013年5月- 2014年4月,制作人为麦克·信田与布莱德·德尔森。该专辑是一张自制专辑。

同时该专辑中他们也有邀请其他音乐艺术家跨刀,一位是Rakim,还有三位来自其他乐队的成员,来自Helmet(头盔乐队)的Page,来自堕落体制(System of A down)的Daron,还有来自讨伐体制乐队(Rage Against The Machine)的Tom。

linkin park 最近出的专辑叫什么?

当黑暗堡垒(Fort Minor简称为FM)专辑发行的消息一曝光时,在联合公园的歌迷群里,就开始热烈地讨论,联合公园是不是要解散了。所有歌迷担心由六人所组成联合公园,因为主唱之一的麦克,将以黑暗城堡的名义发行个人专辑,是否意味著这是联合公园解散的徵兆之一。於是所有LP的信徒们,都在各大联合公园的家族网站、部落格、及留言板上,热烈地讨论著。而这波雪球般越滚越大的传言,也传到了联合公园团员的耳里,听到这个传言的团员们,很感动的表示谢谢这些歌迷朋友对他们的支持及喜爱。随即共同公开一份声明稿表示,联合公园不会解散,目前也在准备全新专辑,预计在明年带著全新的作品和大家见面。除此之外,LP团员们非常骄傲在麦克的带领下,能够让黑暗保垒(Fort Minor简称为FM)这个同属於联合公园家族一分子的新血可以诞生,所有LP的成员将会力挺FM到底,一起见证黑暗保垒再次为乐坛带来一场新的音乐革命。当联合公园(Linkin Park)在5年前,以专辑混合理论(Hybrid Theory)如音乐革命般地,重新定义了摇滚乐,成为西洋乐坛的第一摇滚乐团。身为联合公园主唱之一兼首脑人物麦克(MC Mike Shinoda),将披上一个新的符号FM,率领全新的组合黑暗堡垒(Fort Minor简称FM),再次掀起一场嘻哈音乐的革命。麦可表示”身在一个有著全球3500万张销售的团体里,要如何置身於这个亮眼光环底下,并且还能不断地持续成长?我的答案就是再次画出属於自己音乐的形状。”随著联合公园每一张专辑的发行,麦克和联合公园的团员们,藉由在作品里尝试不同的音乐新元素,来累积创作动能。但是创作力惊人的麦克却无法满足,於是在2005年的秋天,他将独自地展开一场属於自己的音乐觅食之

The Rising Tied


01. Introduction

02. Remember The Name

03. Right Now

04. Petrified

05. Feel Like Home

06. Where'd You Go

07. In Stereo

08. Back Home

09. Cigarettes

10. Believe Me

11. Get me Gone

12. High Road

13. Kenji

14. Red To Black

15. The Battle

16. Slip Out The Back


林肯公园的第4张全新录音室专辑定名为“A Thousand Suns”初定9月14日发行;

首单“The Catalyst”将在8月2日正式发布;


Mike在myspace公布了他们新专辑的一些消息。乐队的新专辑《A Thousand Suns》暂定为2010年9月14日发行,首单“The Catalyst”将在8月2日正式发布。

这次的新专辑还有一个惊喜是会邀请歌迷的加入,7月9日会举办一个名为'Linkin Park, Featuring You'的小型的歌迷试听活动。一部分歌迷会抢先听到“The Catalyst”的部分,然后可以自己进行再创作,混音等等。冠军的作品将会收入到新专辑中。

混音比赛的材料是在网络上供的 材料会公布

其次 有两种可能性 要么就是冠军的混音作品收录专辑 要么就是歌迷进LP的录音室 录制LP写的歌…不知道应该要怎么说 就算是临时在录音室取代一个队员录歌


Linkin Park are ready to rock again. As a follow-up to their 2007 studio album "Minutes to Midnight", the band are now preparing "A Thousand Suns". It becomes their first release since scoring soundtrack for "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen".

The first single from the album is titled "The Catalyst". It is expected to hit radio airwes on August 2, while the album will not be released in the United States until September 14. Ahead of the song debut, fans can get "some audio" from the "Catalyst" on the band's MySpace starting July 9.

The preview is part of an online contest held to give fans a "one-of-a-kind opportunity" to be featured in their album. "You can remix the parts, write something over them, or mute stuff and write something totally new. We may choose a remix of the song, and put it on the album," it was explained.

"Or, we may choose an amazing keyboardist, string quartet, guitarist, percussion group, or other musician, and invite them into the studio to play on one of our songs. No matter what instrument you play, you can win. We're open to anything good. All we ask is that you include any audible portion of any one of our stems in your submission."


Track listing.

1. "The Requiem"

2. "The Radiance"

3. "Burning In the Skies"

4. "Empty Spaces"

5. "When They Come for Me"

6. "Robot Boy"

7. "Jornada Del Muerto"

8. "Waiting for the End"

9. "Blackout"

10. "Wretches and Kings"

11. "Wisdom, Justice, and Love"

12. "Iridescent"

13. "Fallout"

14. "The Catalyst"

15. "The Messenger"


《Minutes to Midnight》是美国说唱金属乐团Linkin Park(林肯公园)的第三张录音室专辑。








2003年的《流星圣殿(Meteora)》之后,已经有四年没有发表全新专辑的“林肯公园”在全球乐迷屏息以待,倒数着“林肯公园”新专辑《Minutes to Midnight》的问世之下,这个让所有乐迷望眼欲穿的全新录音室大碟《Minutes to Midnight》,终于决定在5月中旬隆重问市。

几年没发片,许多死忠歌迷成立的“林肯公园”家族成员,都一直默默关心着“林肯公园”何时要发片,最近随着发片讯息的确认,“林肯公园”家族成员又再度活跃,争相告知“林肯公园”要回来了的发片。唱片公司有感于“林肯公园”的庞大歌迷力量,这次决定要邀请所有歌迷一起来发想中文的专辑名称。这次的《Minutes to Midnight》专辑名,跟以往“林肯公园”所触及的创作主题比起来显得特别深沉、格外引人省思。


专辑主题跟以往联合公园所触及的创作主题比起来显得特别深沉、格外引人省思,但却也自我唤醒我们每一个人的危机意识。专辑标题《Minutes to Midnight》想要表达出的其实就是“世界末日警钟(Doomsday Clock)”的概念!

“世界末日警钟(Doomsday Clock)”是源自于美国二次世界大战时期,当美国在日本长崎及广岛投下两颗之后,在14年由一群芝加哥大学研究原子科学的科学家们(Board of Directors of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists at the University of Chicago)所一起创立的概念。科学家们以“世界末日警钟(Doomsday Clock)”这个虚拟的定时器,来警惕人类将因过度使用核武,而导致自我灭亡。


主唱查斯特(Chester Bennington)表示:“创立这个末日钟的目的就是要提醒世人,虽然人类拥有巨大力量,但当这股毁灭性力量反扑之时,我们都该仔细思考这股威力带来的严重影响,转眼之间世界末日已进入倒数计时。这个极具争议性的主题,在几年前我们是完全不会触及的,当年我们在制作《混合理论(Hybrid Theory)》专辑时,我是团里最年长的,但年纪也只有23岁,当时的我们不觉得这个议题十分重要,但现在的我们却认为它跟我们息息相关。这张专辑所比喻的“”的概念,不单单只有指涉地球遭到人类破坏的这种巨观层面,同时也映像出联合公园自我的微观层面。



整张唱片的播放长度为43分17秒。专辑的录制时间是2006年1月到2007年1月。录音地点在美国加州洛杉矶的The Mansion。唱片的发行方为Warner Bros. Records & Machine Shop Recordings。唱片的制作人是Rick Rubin和Mike Shinoda。2007年4月2日,乐队的单曲“What I’ve Done”已经发表,MV已经在各大音乐电视上播放。并且在美国的“Modern Rock chart”排名第一。


1. Wake

2. Given Up

3. Lee Out All The Rest

4. Bleed It Out

5. Shadow Of The Day

6. What I've Done

7. Hands Held High

8. No More Sorrow

9. Valentine's Day

10. In Between

11. In Pieces

12. The Little Things Give You Away

13. No Roads Left (iTunes Exclusive) (Pre-Order Only)

14. What I've Done (Distorted Remix) (Bonus Track)

15. Given Up (Third Encore Session) (Bonus Track)

Linkin Park还发行了一个CD+DVD的特别豪华版本











这张唱片的标题“Minutes to Midnight”要表达的含义是“世界末日警钟”,“世界毁灭”的倒计时。"Given Up", "What I've Done" 和 "No More Sorrow"在2007年4月28日的德国柏林现场上被首次演唱。这三首歌还在2007年5月7日AOL SESSION上被演唱。

Iridescent 彩虹光芒

[Mike] When you were standing in the wake of devastation 当你站在灾难后的遗迹前

When you were waiting on the edge of the unknown 当你等待着不可预测的变化

With the cataclysm raining down 此时灾难即将瓢泼而至

Insides crying "se me now" 你的内心哭喊着“拯救我”

You were there impossibly alone 却无法忽视万分孤单的处境

[Chester] Do you feel cold and lost in desperation 是否你感到冰冷无助?

You build up hope but failure's all you've known 你满怀希望但最终充满绝望

Remember all the sadness and frustration 记住这所有的悲哀和沮丧

And let it go let it go 然后让时光冲刷掉这些不快

[Mike] And in the burst of light that blinded every angel 在足以使天使失明的爆裂的强光下

As if the sky had blown the heens into stars 天空支离,天堂破碎

You felt the grity of tempered grace falling into empty space 你发现神的恩赐坠入虚无

No one there to catch you in their arms 没有人能做你的守护者

[Chester][Chours] Do you feel cold and lost in desperation 是否你感到冰冷无助?

You build up hope but failure's all you've known 你满怀希望但最终充满绝望

Remember all the sadness and frustration 记住这所有的悲哀和沮丧

And let it go let it go 然后让时光冲刷掉这些不快

Let it go 让这些不快逝去