

林肯公园 暮光之城 棒球_林肯公园暮光之城mv

别听他们的,“I know what you are”可不是出现在那一段的配乐,那段是在bella刚发现edward是吸血鬼时侯放的!男女主角在那棵大树上时放的是Bella's Lullaby这首曲子。


Linkin Park Underground是新金属乐队Linkin Park的官方歌迷俱乐部。用户能够在其网站提供的论坛上分享有关Linkin Park近期动态与专辑消息。会员同时拥有一个@linkinpark的电子邮箱,通过这个邮箱会员能够先于公众得到乐队的新消息。赠品还包括得到Linkin Park预售产品诸如:专辑、衣饰以及一些书籍之类的小物品。

Linkin Park Underground由Linkin Park于2001年成立,LPU作为Linkin Park歌迷与乐队分享的平台,其每年都有新的会员礼包。第一年,LPU重新发行《Hybrid Theory EP》作为给注册用户的礼物。前500名LPU会员还收到了有乐队亲笔签名的EP专辑作为答谢。2005年1月31日之前,LPU还有一个供歌迷交易LP商品的论坛,然而这个论坛由于与某些会员的纠纷而被关闭。

LZ提到的Fear(lee out all the rest)就是2009年12月发行的Underground V9.0中的歌曲



How can I decide what’s right

When you’re clouding up my mind

I can’t win your losing fight all the time

How can I ever own what’s mine

When you’re always taking sides

But you won’t take away my pride, no not this time

Not this time…

How did we get here

When I used to know you so well

But how did we get here

I think I know

The truth is hiding in your eyes

And it’s hanging on your tongue

Just boiling in my blood

But you think that I can’t see

What kind of man that you are

If you’re a man at all

Well I will figure this one out

On my own

I’m screaming I love you so

My thoughts you can’t decode

How did we get here

When I used to know you so well

But how did we get here

I think I know

Do you see what we’ve done

We’re gonna make such fools of ourselves

Do you see what we’ve done

We’re gonna make such fools of ourselves

How did we get here

When I used to know you so well

But how did we get here

I think I know

There is something I see in you

It might kill me

I want it to be true

男声:林肯公园(Linkin Park)的Lee out all the rest


dreamed i was missing, you were so scared

but no one would listen,'cause no one else cared

after my dreaming, i woke with this fear

what am i leing when i'm done here?

so if you're asking me, i want you to know

when my time comes, forget the wrong that i've done

help me lee behind some reasons to be missed

don't resent me, and when you're feeling empty

keep me in your memory, lee out all the rest

lee out all the rest, don't be afraid

i've taken my beating, i've shared what i made

i'm strong on the surface, not all the way through

i've never been perfect, but neither he you

so if you're asking me, i want you to know

when my time comes, forget the wrong that i've done

help me lee behind some reasons to be missed

don't resent me, and when you're feeling empty

keep me in your memory, lee out all the rest

lee out all the rest

forgetting all the hurt inside you've learned to hide so well

pretending someone else can come and se me from myself

i can't be who you are

when my time comes, forget the wrong that i've done

help me lee behind some reasons to be missed

don't resent me, and when you're feeling empty

keep me in your memory, lee out all the rest

lee out all the rest

forgetting all the hurt inside you've learned to hide so well

pretending someone else can come and se me from myself

i can't be who you are

i can't be who you are
